Dark Feminine Energy

What is dark FEMININE energy?

Have you heard the term “Dark Feminine” and wondered what that exactly means or if you are expressing your divine light and dark feminine energy? Well here I can help pave the way to a better understanding. All genders have feminine and masculine traits and there are negative and positive traits within all. So no, this is not just for woman. In my opinion, this planet is all about balance, and so as a human race we need to work towards restoring the balance between feminine energy and masculine energy in this masculine dominated society. It takes all of us empowering the dark feminine energy within us.

The term, “dark feminine” is the expression of the dark, light, negative, positive, and all necessary energy. This energy captures a mysterious magic of womanhood and all the chaos of life, death, destruction, joy, childbirth, seduction, rage, compassion, beauty, etc.

often enough this society portrays such behavior as negative and less valuable. That idea was created by the patriarchy and the over excess of masculine energy that controls our society. These ideas lead us to repressing these traits to the unconscious, making us manipulative, over apologetic, clingy, etc. Someone who has fully brought awareness and acceptance to their dark feminine energy will be unapologetic and speaks their truth.

dark feminine is also referred to as the wounded feminine. This is our shadow self that hides in our unconscious. Repressing your dark feminine can be disempowering and will lead to traits such as: Clinginess, jealousy, using sex to control someone, lack of confidence, faking an orgasm, manipulating others, etc. if you struggle with any of these, you absolutely can bring your shadow self out of its closet and express light and dark feminine traits. This requires bringing these shadow traits to the conscious and accepting them. Bringing awareness to your negative traits will bring you so much power you didn’t know you had.

How to ignite Your dark feminine:

Become aware of your negative traits:

often these are the traits and qualities we try to forget about and leave unacknowledged because it is too painful to deal with, we may feel shame or guilt, and we may suppress them because that’s how we have been conditioned. These traits are repressed deep down in the unconscious and will disempowers us. These traits look like manipulating others, using sex to get something, clinginess, lack of confidence, faking an orgasm, etc. when we bring awareness to these traits and accept them as a part of us, we are speaking the truth empowering the full you. We aren’t our true selves if we only show the light and repress the dark. We show true compassion for ourselves when we bring the dark into the light. Take time every day to really think about these traits and write it all down in a journal. Ask yourself tough questions (questions to ask at the bottom of the page) this will all be hard but worth it. You will start to feel more comfortable in your own body and manifest your true feminine magic.

Feel your emotions.

As humans, we have been conditioned that it is bad to feel anger or sadness because its uncomfortable. But all we are accomplishing by suppressing our feelings is pushing it deep down and it will bottle up making you act in ways you don’t even realize is harmful. We need to retrain our brains to really feel and embrace our emotions to then release them. Instead of distracting yourself when you feel negative emotions, try and just sit with them with intention, really feel what you are feeling, ask yourself questions about what happened and what triggered these emotions, and naturally, once you are ready you can now release and let go. The dark feminine owns these feelings and uses it for their benefit.

Embrace your sacred sexuality.

The dark feminine owns their sexuality and sensuality. They are more in touch with their sexually energy and is confident in their body. They will prioritize their desires and pleasures as it is sacred to them. They might be seen as devilish or naughty. They aren’t going to fake an orgasm because they will make sure they get that pleasure they intended, they know it is for them and not just to please their partner. They also don’t give their sexual energy freely. Sex is the act of energy transfer, meaning when you partake in sexual relations, you are transferring your sacred, divine energy along with your karmic energy and vice versa. Take charge in this part of your life, be selfish, be unapologetic about your sexuality and let no one but you control it.

Some good way to tap into this dark feminine sexual energy:

  • Play your favorite music and dance, get your hips moving because this will activate your sacral chakra which is where we repress our sexual trauma or wounded sexuality.

  • Take sensual baths. Take this time to reconnect with and heal your womb. Totally romanticize this time with whatever makes you feel good whether that be lighting candles, laying down rose pedals, play relaxing sounds or music.

  • Create rituals for yourself during menstruation.

  • Take care of yourself. Eat clean, stay fit. It is important to keep our bodies healthy to keep our minds healthy.

  • Take the time to listen to what your body needs. Your body will always tell you exactly what it needs, we just have to listen for signs. For example, I usually know to drink water if my head starts to ache.

    Set boundaries.

    The dark feminine does not take bs from anyone. They have set clear boundaries for themselves so their power can’t be touched. They are not afraid to be aggressive when needed and how to push their truths. You own your life and energy and so you don’t let other take from that. Your energy is sacred and not free. This means cutting out toxic people in your life you know takes from your energy. You expect 50/50 from others, you expect that the people in your life are fueling your energy and not taking any of it. You don’t have to keep the peace in the sacrifice of you, stand in your truth. When you stand in your truth, you will attract others who embrace their full dark feminine as well.


    it is all about balance, meaning you cannot have dark without light, nor light without dark. I want to make clear that embracing your dark feminine is not suppressing your light feminine, its about not suppressing who you are at all and bringing light to both the dark and light side.

    queStions to ask yourself for shadow work:

    • when are you the hardest on yourself and why?

    • do you think people respect you?

    • do you accept yourself exactly the way you are?

    • what triggers “negative” emotions?

    • what do you dislike most about yourself?

    • what do you like most about yourself?

    • am i easily swayed or influenced by the opinions of others?

    • what were you like as a child?

    • what is my definition of failure?

    • how do i show up for others where I don’t show up for myself?

    • what do you feel most guilty about?


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