POdcast update
I can’t thank those of you who listened to the Podcast, “The Artist Sandbox,” thus far. I have made a decision going forward and here I would like to explain.
When I started the Podcast, I was feeling very inspired and trilled to get going and start meeting more creatives across the country, present more of my personality to you all and just learn and vibe. For awhile beforehand I felt the pressure and limiting belief that I needed to have a presence on YouTube in order to fully tie a personality to my artwork since I do know in a future of AI art is important. Where I was limiting myself was thinking that only means YouTube videos, talking on a Podcast was much less daunting when I came to this idea. And I figured that instead of videos of just me on YouTube, I could meet with other artists and creatives where we can inspire each other, learn from one an other and hopefully allowing others to learn from that experience or at least be entertained, while bringing you all into the depths of the artist behind the art. And 18 episodes in, I can say I have more art friends on a closer level, I’ve been inspired in my own life by digging deep into these topics with other creatives, I’ve introduced ideas and topics I never even considered with the blessing of collaborating with others. I am extremely grateful for everyone who saw my vision and jumped right on board, and those in the back listening and vibing with us every week, I couldn’t do it without you, thank you.
As much as this has had a positive impact on my life, I’ve been considering what all the other options are with the podcast to make it flow out easier every week. Looking deeper at my day to day, I am working a full time job from 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday giving me only 5 hours each day after work to balance eating, hygiene, my art practice, business things like promoting, updating website, packaging, etc, the podcast, social activities, housework, reading, mediation, resting or whatever else I need to take care of. IN FIVE HOURS!!! I was starting to eat the words I preach in the podcast and was and am feeling burnt out. I still had my “free” weekends but between planning, recording, editing, my weekends were getting eaten away as well as taking a ton of my energy being as social anxious as I am and taking me away from what is the most important for me to focus on right now which is my art practice. I realized that since I do not have the luxury to just quit my job to give me the time this podcast deserves, in order to keep at my art practice without burning out is putting a hold on the podcast. I love it and I was heart broken thinking about quitting, but I want it something to always be around.
Moving forward, just like me, the podcast will evolve with me, meaning I might go on a streak of a whole year or posting weekly episodes or I might be on pause, or post sporadic episodes, or however I feel really without all the pressure. The future is unknown so I am not going to tell you a specific schedule as of right now, what I can say is until I feel I have enough time to give to the podcast I will be taking a break and mainly focusing on my craft. This will not be forever but I also cannot promise a relaunch date. I truly hope you all understand and respect my ventures and decisions in my creative journey.